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Toast Bagel Shakshuka

The fantastic grub(shuka) with a North African twist! This delicacy is well known throughout the southern shores of the Mediterranean, although the spelling of the name, as well as the recipe, vary depending on the region. Anyhoo, today it will be cooked at the world premiere with Keski Toast Bagels. So, jump on board!

Start by toasting the Toast Bagel halves on a frying pan or in a toaster, and put them aside. Continue using the frying pan by drizzling 6 tablespoons of olive oil in it. Then, add 3-4 sliced garlic cloves and sauté them over medium heat until they are golden brown. Chop one large onion and do the same. Add a can of crushed tomatoes, 2-3 tablespoons of tomato puree and 0.5-1 dl of water. Finally, season: 1 tbsp paprika powder, 1/4 tbsp black pepper and a pinch of salt. After this, let the gently bubbling sauce simmer under a lid for about 10 minutes. While you’re waiting, turn on the oven to about 190 degrees. Next, pour the tomato sauce in suitably sized oven dish and place the Toast Bagel halves on top of the sauce. This is where it gets exciting – break an egg carefully in each of the Kringle holes. Top with red bell pepper, green chilis, ground black pepper, and in to the oven it goes for about a quarter of an hour! Once you remove the grub(shuka) out of the oven, the yolks should still be soft on the inside. The experience is crowned with a sprinkle of blue cheese crumbs and chopped parsley. Wowsie wow!