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Eggy Hideaway

Also known as the Egg Stash. Excuse me?
Well, obviously, it’s a delicious way of preparing or Toast Bagels with egg.

Keski Toast Bagels
Butter, for frying
Herbal salt
Red onion
Orange chili
Red bell pepper
Fresh parsley
Pickled garlic
Black pepper

Pre-toast the Toast Bagel halves in a toaster, or you can just throw them on a semi-hot pan with a pat of butter. Then, break the eggs in the Kringle holes and let them cook with a pinch of herbal salt on top. Fry the eggs until they are semi-cooked. Next it’s time for some visual food and a little kick! That is, sliced olives, red onion, orange chili, red bell pepper, fresh parsley and pickled garlic. And, of course, black pepper. If this doesn’t kick-start your day, nothing will!