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Sausage & Toast Bagel Skewers

Excuse me?! This is such an exciting and tough treat, and it is sure won’t leave any trucker feeling forgotten – let alone hungry!

Keski Toast Bagels
Oil/butter, for frying
Your favourite sausages
Yellow bell pepper
Long cucumber slices
Cherry tomatoes
Red onion Chili

Toast 4 Toast Bagel halves on a grill or in a toaster. Drizzle oil or a melt a pat of butter on a hot pan, and fry 4 sausages of your choice, as well as one halved, long yellow bell pepper. Then, it’s time to assemble this masterpiece! First, squeeze some mustard on the bottom halves of the Toast Bagel, and ketchup on the top halves. Then, a little lettuce, sausages, bell pepper halves, long cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, thin slices of chili, red onion and mayonnaise. Finally, place the top half of the Kringle in place and carefully pierce it with a wooden skewer to keep this magnificence together for a moment… before it is scoffed. Me Tarzan, you Toast Bagel!