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Coffee Lover’s Bun Kringles

These lovely coffee-flavoured bun Kringles are stylish to serve. Serve during the same day or store in the refrigerator until serving.

8 servings
4 Keski Cardamom Kringles
1 dl vanilla cream powder
2 dl coffee
1 dl milk
3/4 dl icing sugar
1 dl whipping cream

1-2 dl boysen berries or other berries
a few crumbled meringues

Cut the Kringles in half and place on a serving platter. Whisk together the vanilla cream powder, coffee, milk and icing sugar. Whip the whipping cream and whisk together with the vanilla cream mixture. Squeeze on the Kringle halves and decorate with boysen berries and crumbled meringue. Enjoy!