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Breakfast Kringle by Sara La Fountain

Ta-da! Take a look at this nifty Toast Bagel & Egg trick.

Keski Cranberry & Seed Toast Bagel
2 eggs
2-3 slices of ham
2-3 slices of Gouda cheese
a handful of spinach
Sriracha chili sauce

Drizzle olive oil on a frying pan and place the bottom half of a Toast Bagel on the pan with the cutting side up. And the top half with the cutting surface down. Add the eggs in the middle of the Toast Bagel halves and let them fry over low heat until they are suitably cooked. Put the cheese and ham slices on the bottom half and turn the half over briefly so that the cheese melts and the ham warms up. Then, assemble the Breakfast Kringle! Add fresh spinach and Sriracha sauce on the bottom, and place the other half on top. Enjoy!